The Paradox

For the past two months, I have been at home taking care of our newborn daughter. She's adorable, incredibly alert, and usually snuggly. Perhaps the most frequent piece of parenting advice I've received is "Enjoy this time; it goes so fast." That's true... except when it doesn't. At three AM when 15 minutes with a … Continue reading The Paradox

I Want to Be Famous

Teachers head back for the 2014-2015 school year tomorrow. Students won't come for another week and a half, but even so, it definitely feels like there's a change in the air. It's been a big summer- getting married, transforming my house into our house, a couple short road trips, a week of camp, and a … Continue reading I Want to Be Famous

Mashup, Mixtape Culture

I never feel comfort Steeped in commodity Tangible artifacts and wasted ideas Counting joy uncovered exits Changed the argument The beginnings of the difference Dusty road Gets me where I need to be -A found poem pulled from final UNCCWP SI reading   Had this song in my head as I was writing